- Addiction
- Anger
- Anorgasmia
- Bipolar Disorder
- Borderline Disorder
- Bulimia / Anorexia
- Couple Problems
- Deficient Abilities
- Depression
- Domestic Violence
- Dyspareunia
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Generalized Anxiety
- Heart Condition
- Insomnia
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Panic Attack
- Paraphilia
- Phobias
- Post-Traumatic Stress
- Premature Ejaculation
- Sexual Desire Disorder
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Sexual Orientation
- Sexual Performance Anxiety
- Stress
- Vaginismus
Vaginismus is an involuntary contraction, or reflex muscle tightening, of…
Sexual Desire Disorder
Sexual desire disorder is a psychiatric condition marked by a…
Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates sooner during sexual…
Sexual Performance Anxiety
The truth ? -Everyone’s experienced performance anxiety at some point…
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment for men unable to have an…
Pain duringsexualintercourse. There are many causes of dyspareunia, including…
Failure to achieve orgasm during sexualintercourse. Anorgasmia has many causes, including stress,anxiety,depression,…
Paraphilia Type of mental disorder characterized by a preference for obsession with unusual sexual practices, as pedophilia, sadomasochism, or exhibitionism. Abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme or dangerous…
Insomnia is a persistent disorder that can make it hard…
Bulimia / Anorexia
Bulimia / Anorexia Not so long ago, doctors and therapists…
Borderline Disorder
Borderline (Emotionally Unstable) Personality Disorder is a condition characterized by…
Mental disorder / psychological pattern
Mental disorder or mental illness is a psychological or…
Psychology is the study of the mind, partly via the…
Domestic Violence
Intra family violence, abuse, battering Domestic violence, also known as…
Failure Stress Management Stress is a term in psychology and…
Sexual Orientation
Confused Sex Orientation Sexual orientation refers to an individual’s personal…
Sexual Dysfunction
All Genders Unsatisfied Sex Life Sexual dysfunction or sexual malfunction…
Post-Traumatic Stress
Trauma Fixation Posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD) is a severe anxiety disorder…
Irrational Fear & Avoidance A phobia (from the Greek: φόβος,…
Generalized Anxiety
Permanent Alert with no specific reason Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)…
Panic Attack
Repetitive Pseudo Heart Attack Panic attacks are periods of intense…
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Negative Thoughts and Rituals Obsessions Obsessions are thoughts that recur…
Heart Condition
Incoherence Pulse, Heart Beat Biofeedback Biofeedback is the process of…
Melancholic Mood, Despair We all feel fed up, miserable or…
Deficient Abilities
Self-Confidence, In Public Presence & Attitude Self-esteem is a term…
Couple Problems
Dual Displeased Relationship …
Bipolar Disorder
Pathological Mood Fluctuation Bipolar disorder or bipolar affective disorder, historically known…
Anger is a negative feeling which often happens when a…
Addiction is when the body or mind badly wants or…
Process distressing memories to more adaptive mechanisms
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a form…
Psychotherapy Sexology Hypnosis In Lebanon
Modern hypnotherapy is used in a variety of forms, such as:
Age regression hypnotherapy
Ericksonian hypnotherapy
Fears and phobias
Modalities modification
Habit control
Pain management
Psychological therapy
Skin disease
Soothing anxious surgical patients
Sports performance
Weight loss
Hypnosis is a mental state or imaginative role-enactment. It is usually induced by a procedure known as a hypnotic induction, which is commonly composed of a long series of preliminary instructions and suggestions. The hypnotism is used for therapeutic purposes "hypnotherapy".
Contrary to a popular misconception—that hypnosis is a form of unconsciousness resembling sleep—contemporary research suggests that hypnotic subjects are fully awake and are focusing attention, with a corresponding decrease in their peripheral awareness. Subjects also show an increased response to suggestions.
A state of physical relaxation accompanied and induced by mental concentration ("abstraction").
Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis in psychotherapy. Hypnosis may be used to treat depression, anxiety, eating disorders, sleep disorders, compulsive gaming, and posttraumatic stress, it is often applied to treat smoking and weight management.
A hypnotic trance is not therapeutic in and of itself, but specific suggestions and images fed in a trance can profoundly alter behavior. As rehearsed the new ways to think and feel, lays the groundwork for changes in future actions...
Hypnosis is successful treatment for habit change and amelioration of phobias. With dissociative disorders, smoking cessation, and insomnia and treating skin diseases with hypnosis has performed well in treating warts, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis. Smokers who used hypnosis to quit smoking doubled their chances of success.
Hypnosis may be useful as an adjunct therapy for weight loss combined with cognitive-behavioral therapy. In virtual gastric band the hypnosis instructs the stomach it is smaller than it really is and reduces alimentary habits.
Hypnotherapy is used in Past life regression to retrieve memories, especially those from early childhood or (alleged) past-lives.
Hypnosis pain management techniques and suggestion are used to reduce pain in childbirth
A number of studies show that hypnosis can reduce the pain experienced during burn-wound debridement, bone marrow aspirations, and childbirth. Hypnosis relieves the pain in 75%
Hypnosis is effective in reducing pain from cancer and other chronic conditions. Nausea and other symptoms related to incurable diseases may also be managed with hypnosis. In breast cancer surgery, nausea, and anxiety post-surgery, hypnosis reduces pain. The effects of hypnosis are greater reduction in pain.
- المرأة وغياب الرعشة
- في مواجهة القذف المبكر
- متى تفقد رغبتك الجنسيّة؟
- عن الإباحيّة، أوهامها... والإدمان
- الرقص على إيقاع الوضعيّات الجنسيّة
- الثديان... وعشقهما
- الهوّامات، حب الإستعراء... ولعبة المونوبولي !
- المازوشية – الساديّة
- العادة السرية... ماذا تكشف للمرأة عن جسدها؟
- مدمن... جنس!
- المتعة، المعاناة... وضحيّة الإعتداء الجنسي ! ( الجزء الثاني )
- -1- !لمتعة، المعاناة... وضحيّة الاعتداء الجنسي!
- لستُ مثيرة... فكيف أغري الرجال؟
- عن قيمتك الجنسية لدى الشريك
- الرغبة عند الثنائي المتقدم في السن
- ليلة حمراء... ليبقى الشغف مشتعلاً
- سلطان المرأة
- الجراحة التجميليّة للأعضاء التناسليّة... وما عليها!
- ...في سريرهما، مئات المشاكل
- هل سألتَ نفسك: كيف تنظر هي إلى العملية الجنسيّة؟