sexology final 

Sexology is the scientific study of human sexuality, including human sexual interests, behavior, and function. The term does not generally refer to the non-scientific study of sex, such as political analysis or social criticism. In modern sexology, researchers apply tools from several academic fields, including biology, medicine, psychology, statistics, epidemiology, sociology, anthropology, and criminology.

Sexology studies sexual development and the development of sexual relationships as well as the mechanics of sexual intercourse. It also documents the sexualities of special groups, such as the disabled, child development, adolescents, and the elderly. Sexologists study sexual dysfunctions, disorders, and variations, including such widely varying topics as erectile dysfunction, pedophilia, and sexual orientation.

Sexology as it exists today, as a specific research-based scientific field, is relatively new. While there are works dedicated towards sex in antiquity, the scientific study of sexual behavior in human beings began in the 19th century. Shifts in national borders at that time brought into conflict laws that were sexually liberal and laws that criminalized.

Sex therapy covers, treats and responds to: 

Abstention - Abuse - Adolescence - Adrenal disease - Aging - Aggression - Alcohol -  Amenorrhea - Anal eroticism - Anal sex - Androphobia - Anorgasmia -  Antidepressants - Anxiety - Aphanisis - Aphrodisiac - Arousal disorder -

Authenticity - Auto-erotism - Autonomy - Aversion disorder.

Birth control - Bisexuality - Blame - Blood pressure - Brain.

Castration - Cavernous bodies - Changing sexuality - Child abuse - Communication -  Compulsive sexual disorder - Containment - Contraception - Couple relationship -  Cultural difference - Cunilingus.

Dating - Denial - Desensitization - Desire - Desire discrepancy -

Desire disorder - Desire intimacy - Desire goals - Disappointment - Dissociation -   

Dominant submissive games - Drugs - Dyspareunia.

Ejaculation - Emotional conflicts - Emotional fusion - Endometriosis -   

Erectile dysfunction - Erection - Erotic humiliation - Erotic lactation - Erotolalia -  Erotosexual - Evaluation - Evocation - Excitement - Exhibitionism -

Extramarital experiences.

Family system - Fantasies - Fear - Female arousal disorder -

Female copulatory vocalization - Female orgasmic disorder -

Feminine transsexuality - Feminist sexology - Fertility problems - Fetishism - Fibrosis - Fireperson - Fixation (psychology) - Focusing - Fountain women.

Gender differences - Gender gaps - Gender identity disorder -

Generational differences - Genital pain - Geriatric sexology -

Getting her/him to love me - Getting the love I want - Good sex - Good vibrations -  Gratification disorder - Group sex - Guilt - Gynophobia.

Hand massage - Hermaphrodism - Heterosexual-homosexual continuum -  Homosexuality - Hybrid Sexuality - Hypertension.

Ideal Marriage - Impotence - Incest - Infertility - Infidelity - Intercourse - Intimacy -  Intracavernous injection - Involuntary celibacy.  

Language - Lifestyle - Love map.

Masculinity - Masochism - Masturbation - Mating - Menopause -

Menstrual cramps - Menstruation - Mirroring - Misattribution of arousal -

Modeling sexuality - Mood disorders - Morbidity - Motivation.

New sex - Nymphomania.

Oragenitalism - Obscenity - Oral eroticism - Oral sex - Orgasm - Orgasmic disorder.

Pain - Paradoxes - Paraphilia - Paraphrasing – Parents -

Partner relationship problems - Passion - Passivity – Pedophilia -

Pelvic infection - Performance anxiety - Perversions – Phallus -

Post menopausal atrophic vaginitis - Premature ejaculation -

Premenstrual syndromes - Prostitution - Puberty.

Rape - Reduction - Reflex process - Refractory period - Religious differences -  Reproduction and sex - Respect - Retarded ejaculation - Retrograde ejaculation -  Romance disillusionment.

Sadism - Sadism and masochism - Safety in relationship - Savage Love -

Seduction community - Self validation - Sensitivity - Separation - Sex addiction -

Sex and drugs - Sex and law - Sex manuals - Sex positions - Sex toys -

Sexological testing - Sexology literature - Sexual acts - Sexual arousal disorder -  Sexual asphyxiation - Sexual attitude reassessment - Sexual capital -

Sexual dysfunction - Sexual emotions - Sexual fantasy - Sexual Identity -

Sexual intercourse - Sexual labor - Sexual monogamy - Sexual orientation -

Sexual pain - Sexual physical trauma - Sexual repression - Sexual response -

Sexual secrets - Sexual stimulation - Sexual transmitted diseases -

Sexual urban legends - Sexualization - Shame - Silence - Society of Sexuality -  Sociobiological disorder - Spectatoring - Sterility - Stimulation - Stress.

Touching - Top-bottom and versatile - Transsexualism - Transvestic fetishism - Trust.

Vaginal infections - Vaginal lubrication - Vaginismus - Violence - Voyeurism - etc.


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